Firs published September 2016.
MONTY PETERS 1946-2016
Sad to hear of the death at the age of 70 of Monty Peters, long-time co-driver to Paul Faulkner (winner with Martin Holmes of the Plains in 1972). Paul and Monty, both from Hampshire, were regulars on the British rally scene for many years, usually in Paul’s immaculate white Escort 43FOR and uniquely serviced from Paul’s father’s Rolls Royce! They also drove for Dealer Team Vauxhall in 1975 and 1976, and Monty also rallied with other drivers, including Tony Pond. Monty also drove occasionally on rallies and until quite recently was a successful driver in sporting trials. He invariably was at the heart of the social side of events and always had a cheery outlook on things. He had just entered a new phase of life having moved to France so it is doubly sad to lose him at such a relatively young age.